How to Get Old Twitter Back: Step-by-step Guide

Fake Tweet Generator Team

get old twitter back

Like many social media platforms, Twitter undergoes regular updates and redesigns to enhance user experience and introduce new features. These changes can sometimes lead to users preferring the older platform version due to familiarity or personal preference.

If you’re one of those users looking to get old Twitter back interface, this step-by-step guide can help you navigate the process. Remember that Twitter’s interface may vary based on the device (desktop, mobile, etc.) and the app version you are using.

In this Fake Tweet Generator guide, we will outline the steps to switch back to the previous Twitter interface or provide tips on adjusting to newer versions if reverting is impossible. It’s paramount to stay updated with Twitter’s official announcements and support channels for the latest information on interface changes and customization options.

Please note that Twitter’s interface and features are subject to change, and not all users can get old Twitter back depending on Twitter’s policies and updates.

Let’s explore the steps and options available to help you seamlessly get old Twitter back or adapt to newer versions.

Get Old Twitter Back: Step-by-step Guide

get old twitter back

If you prefer the old Twitter interface and want to switch back from the new design, you can follow these steps to revert to the classic Twitter look:

1. Log in to Your Twitter Account

  • Open your web browser and go to
  • Enter your login certificates and click “Log in” to access your account.

2. Access Your Account Settings

  • Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen.
  • From the dropdown menu, select “Settings and privacy.”

3. Navigate to the “About Twitter” Section

  • In the settings menu, scroll to the bottom and click “About Twitter.”
  • This will open a new page with information about your Twitter account and the platform.

4. Switch Back to the Old Twitter Interface

  • On the “About Twitter” page, look for the “Switch to the previous version of Twitter” option.
  • Click on this option to revert to the old Twitter design.

5. Confirm the Change

  • A confirmation message will appear after clicking on the “Switch to the previous version of Twitter” option.
  • Click “OK” to confirm that you want to switch to the old Twitter interface.

6. Refresh Your Browser

  • Once you’ve confirmed the change, refresh your browser or navigate to the Twitter homepage.
  • You should now see the old Twitter interface with the classic design and layout.

Please note that Twitter may eventually phase out the old interface completely, and you may be required to use the new design. Additionally, some features or functionalities may not be available or may work differently in the old version of Twitter.

If you switch back to the new Twitter interface, you can follow the same steps and select the “Switch to the new Twitter” option in the “About Twitter” section of your account settings.

Alternative Method- by Changing the Browser’s User Agent

Modifying your browser’s user agent is another way to get old Twitter back. The user agent is a string of text that tells websites information about your browser and operating system.

Changing the user agent can trick Twitter into thinking you’re using an older browser, which may cause it to display the classic interface. Here’s how to do it:

1. Launch your web browser and navigate to

2. Access your browser’s developer tools:

  • On Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox: Press F12 or right-click anywhere on the page and choose “Inspect” or “Inspect Element.”
  • On Safari: Go to “Preferences,” select “Advanced,” and check the box next to “Show Develop menu in the menu bar.” Then, click “Develop” in the menu bar and select “Show Web Inspector.”

3. Open the console:

  • In the developer tools panel, click on the “Console” tab.

4. Change the user agent:

  • In the console, type the following command and press Enter: document.cookie = “ct0=0; path=/;; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;

5. Refresh the page:

  • After executing the command, refresh the Twitter page.
  • Twitter should now display the old interface.

If the old interface doesn’t appear after these steps, try closing your browser, reopening it, and repeating the process. You may also need to clear your browser cache and cookies for the changes to take effect.

Remember that this method relies on a specific browser setting and may not work indefinitely. Twitter may update its platform to no longer support the old interface, even when using this user agent trick. Modifying the user agent may also affect how other websites display on your browser.

If you encounter any issues or the method stops working, you can always revert to the default user agent by closing and reopening your browser.


Getting back to the old Twitter interface can be more complex due to updates. While there’s no direct option, users can try alternative methods like changing browser settings. However, these methods may only partially replicate the old experience.

Adapting to changes as Twitter evolves for better security and features is essential. Stay updated with official announcements and provide feedback for improvements. Embracing new features can enhance your Twitter experience over time.

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